We believe that our Sovereign and Creator’s name is Yahweh. We believe that His Son, our King and Saviour’s name is Yahshua. We believe in calling our Sovereign by ‘His Honorable’ name and not by a title or description such as lord or god.
We believe that Yahweh, is the only Creator and aside from Him there is no other (Deu. 4:39, Mark 12:29,32).
We believe that Yahshua is the Son of Yahweh, not the Father or a god Himself. We believe that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Yahweh. We believe that all three exist but not as one entity or trinity.
We believe you must be Saved, filled with the Holy Spirit, and baptised in water. We believe in keeping the Laws, the commandments, the precepts, the statutes, the judgements and rules of Yahweh.
We believe that Yahshua is our sacrifice from our transgressions, He is our High Priest, and our King.
We believe in Yahweh’s Sabbaths; weekly and annually, and Yahweh’s Feast Days. We do not celebrate, or acknowledge any of mankinds – holidays or celebrations. We dont believe in using the titles lord, god, Elohim, Jehovah or Adonai . . . when addressing Yahweh .
We Pray That Yahweh Will Open Up Your Understanding Through the Holy Spirit